How to Pray
3 Times Prayer Is Not Pleasing to God by Dalton Blankenship
Dalton Blankenship Prayer is a daily, sometimes minute-by-minute, connection between Jesus and us. Prayer is the way we talk, plead, praise, and give thanks to Jesus.
Like an ongoing conversation between close friends, prayer can be intimate or seemingly superficial — jumping in minutes from a lighthearted account of everyday blessings and frustrations to an in-depth commentary on our deepest fears and needs.
At other times, prayer is silent. When we don’t have the words to explain our emotions, we can trust the Holy Spirit to communicate what words can’t (Romans 8:26). The same way a good friend will hold our hand and embrace the silence, or lend us a shoulder to cry on, we can sit in God’s presence and say all we need to say without speaking a word.
Lord, Make Us Diligent and Desperate by Scott Hubbard
“Lord, make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can be made.” This prayer, often found on the lips of Robert Murray McCheyne, strikes a chord in every Christian soul. When the Holy Spirit makes his home in us, holiness ceases to be the stuffy obligation we thought it was. All of a sudden, holiness feels like heaven in our hearts, and every earthly longing bows the knee to this burning, bright desire: “Lord, make me holy.”
How to Make a Prayer List
I posted several articles on some ideas about outlines for prayer lists, topics to include, etc. But what I wanted to talk about to day is how I’ve adjusted my prayer list over the years to become more efficient and inclusive.
First of all, don’t be afraid to be organized. I remember people telling me that they don’t have a list, they just let God tell them what and who to pray for. Well, that’s not His job. Sure He’ll burden you with things that you should add, but the content of your daily pray is something you need to compile and maintain.
5 Symptoms of an Unhealthy Prayer Life by Matt Erickson
Many of us have a hard time maintaining a vibrant prayer life.
Even when we manage to set aside time to pray, we can still feel like we’re not doing it right:
- Our minds drift, distracted by worries and a never-ending To-Do list.
- Our time with God doesn’t always feel relational.
- We get the sense we’re doing a lot of talking, but not much listening.
- We might even feel a vague sense of unworthiness, knowing there are areas of our lives where we’re coming up short and imagining God will want us to focus on those very areas.
The Most Difficult Aspect Of Praying by Dr. Joe McKeever
“We do not know how to pray as we should” (Romans 8:26).
I know some things my pet does not.
My dog thinks he wants to fight that pesky cat next door. By his barking and straining at the leash, Albie gives every indication that chasing that cat would be the high point of his day. It wouldn’t. It would be his greatest nightmare.
That little cat sits on the driveway, completely unmoving when my dog walks within 10 feet, barking and snarling and threatening. The cat hardly blinks an eye. Another day at the office. Another house dog who thinks he wants a piece of me but has no idea the trouble he’s asking for.